Despite the natural desire to become a mother , every woman understands that pregnancy is an emotional and difficult stage , full of doubts, pain and ill health. Sometimes it is very difficult to endure this period without outside help. To make it easier for you to cope with all the upcoming trials, use the following simple tips for pregnant women.

Don't panic. Depression, irritability, rejection of others, fear are natural companions of pregnancy. In many ways, they are due to the stress the body experiences, especially during toxicosis. Communication will help to deal with them - with specialists, other women in a similar position or those who have already become mothers. This will help you to be positive and reduce the painful perception of this condition.

Go for regular check-ups and ultrasounds. Ultrasound is an effective and absolutely safe way to monitor the progress of pregnancy throughout. Long-term practice of using this method does not reveal any side effects on the health of mother and child. At the same time, modern technology makes ultrasound an informative and quick way to identify possible disorders that endanger the health of the mother and the unborn child.

Use anti-stretch mark products. The natural fear of many women is the loss of attractiveness after pregnancy. Stretch marks form on the skin in the abdomen , chest, thighs, it loses elasticity. To minimize these effects or eliminate them completely, use appropriate cosmetics (lotions, creams, oils) - especially since the modern beauty industry offers a wide variety of them.

See your doctor regularly. Even for a healthy woman, pregnancy is a difficult ordeal; in the presence of health problems it becomes even more difficult to endure and give birth to a child. To prevent possible pathologies and complications, it is necessary to regularly undergo examinations and consultations with a gynecologist. Only a qualified professional can give useful advice to a pregnant girl.

Use a pregnancy pillow. This seemingly unnecessary accessory in the form of a large pillow will provide a comfortable body position, will help relieve the increased load on the back and legs. Using it, you will provide yourself and your baby a healthy, complete rest - an important condition for the normal course of pregnancy.

Travel. Pregnancy is a great excuse to expand your view of the world because it gives you a lot of free time. In 9 months you can visit different places, fill your life with new and bright impressions. This is one of the most effective ways to combat anxiety and depression.

Lead an active lifestyle. Carrying a baby is not a reason to limit your mobility. On the contrary, active entertainment improves metabolism, strengthens immunity, strengthens muscles and musculoskeletal system. Ultimately, this helps to better tolerate increased physical activity and painfulchildbirth . The main thing is not to overdo it, for which it is better to ask your doctor for the appropriate advice for pregnant women.

Avoid stress. During pregnancy , it is better to take maternity leave or take advantage of the relevant benefits at work. Try to reduce the intensity of work to worry less - high levels of stress lead to disturbances in the work of the female body, which can adversely affect the child.

Educate yourself. There is a lot of free time during pregnancy . Use it for good - for example, learn a language, a new hobby, get involved in an interesting activity for which you did not have enough time before. This will not only broaden your horizons, but will also help you distract from anxiety, reduce depression.

Buy items for pregnant women. A common mistake of many women is that they are perceived as unattractive during pregnancy . Clothes for pregnant women will help you fix this - and these are not necessarily shapeless things. Today, many clothing manufacturers produce special product lines that are not only comfortable but also look stylish.

Adjust your diet. Nutrition during pregnancy is very important, because it is from food that a woman receives the substances necessary to maintain the health and normal development of the child. Add to the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, seafood, dairy products, red meat, hard cheeses - they are sources of such important compounds as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B. D, E and others.

Use vitamin and mineral supplements. During pregnancy , the need for nutrients increases and ordinary food becomes insufficient to satisfy it. The solution is to take multivitamins and mineral supplements recommended by your doctor. Thanks to the precise composition with a proven dosage, they allow you to precisely control the intake of biologically active compounds in the body and avoid their deficiency or excess.

Use bandages. From the end of the second trimester, due to the increased size and weight of the fetus, as well as the mother's body, her musculoskeletal system experiences increased stress. Because of them, low back pain develops, which can be prevented with the help of special elastic underwear. It will also provide support to the abdominal muscles to prevent excessive stretching. Important - choose the right tight underwear only in a specialized orthopedic store.

Take a walk in the fresh air more often. Walking in nature or just in the city can help you cope with stress during pregnancy. They provide a minimum level of mobility, strengthen leg muscles and provide emotional relief. In addition, clean air increases your metabolism, burns excess calories and prevents excess weight.

Refuse hardware cosmetic procedures. The desire to preserve beauty during pregnancy is completely understandable, but it must be approached with caution. During pregnancy, many processes in the body take place in different ways, so procedures such as laser, photoepilation, electrolysis, solarium use can lead to unforeseen and side effects.

Give up bad habits. It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol before conception - this will cleanse the body of residual toxins. If you still want to relax sometimes, then you can occasionally afford a glass of wine for dinner. Despite the presence of alcohol in it, this drink is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. However, it is often not desirable to overdo it.

Investigate pregnancy. Many difficulties during this period can be overcome on your own, if you understand the current processes at least in general terms. Study specialized literature, attend courses for pregnant women, seek medical help. However, avoid advice on forums or non-specialized resources - they often do more harm than good.

Create a positive atmosphere around you. Pregnancy will be easier to bear in an environment full of positive emotions. Decorate your home with beautiful flowers, souvenirs, accessories, furniture, art. This will help you feel comfortable even within four walls.

Take care of your beauty. Pregnancy is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of being attractive and sexy. Today, cosmetics manufacturers offer many specialized and safe solutions for pregnant women - ammonia-free hair dye, oils, skin care creams, anti-cellulite products and much more.

Do not avoid sex. It is the mistake of many women to limit or completely eliminate sexual activity during pregnancy. Sex with a loved one gives a lot of pleasant sensations, provides a sense of satisfaction and emotional closeness and reduces stress. In addition, sexual intercourse improves the condition of the muscles of the perineum, which then facilitates the endurance of childbirth. However, some care must be taken not to physically injure the child.

Choose comfortable shoes. High heels are beautiful, but should be avoided during pregnancy . Such shoes increase the load on the ankles, knees and back, therefore there is swelling, pain in the limbs, there is a risk of loss of coordination. For pregnant women it is better to wear comfortable sneakers with orthopedic soles.

Have a party! In many countries there is already a tradition of organizing a baby party in advance. In fact, it is a kind of bachelorette party and therefore requires a suitable entourage. You can do it yourself or turn to professionals for help. But you will definitely have pleasant and unforgettable memories!

Take a contrast shower. In addition to its well-known firming effect, it has another beneficial effect - it helps to deal with the appearance of stretch marks, improving the elasticity and strength of the skin. However, excessive temperature changes should be avoided, especially if you have a weakened immune system.

Save the first picture of your baby with an ultrasound. This will help to form an attitude towards pregnancy not as a test, but as a joyful expectation of your own child. Later, looking at this photo, you will experience this joyful moment of realizing that you have given life to a new person.

Do not vent your anger on your partner. Stress and irritability during pregnancy are inevitable and the easiest way to get rid of them is to take it to the closest person, who is most often the future father. Remember that it is difficult for him too and such battles will only lead to tension and detachment during the period when you need the support of your loved one the most.

Listen to beautiful music. Classic compositions, inspiring rock ballads, relaxing New Age or atmosphere - you have a huge arsenal of instruments that can give you a very pleasant impression. This is necessary not only for you but also for the baby, as his condition directly depends on the emotional state of the mother.

Choose a name for the future baby. You need to do this in tandem with your partner - this way you will feel his participation, which will positively affect your emotional state. Choose names slowly, study their meaning, because it will accompany your child throughout his life.

Have a "pregnant" photo shoot. In the third trimester, contact a professional photographer to create an original session. First, the process itself will distract you from anxiety, and secondly, it will help you remember the joy of feeling about future motherhood, which will warm you even after the birth of the baby.

Keep a pregnancy diary. This is necessary not only for subsequent sentimental memories - which, of course, is also important. If you are planning to have more children in the future, then a fully documented first pregnancy will help avoid mistakes made for the first time.

Start planning the nursery. Your future baby should grow up in an atmosphere of coziness and maximum comfort, which must be created in advance. Buy a comfortable and beautiful bed, accessories for young children, decorate the walls with beautiful and fun pictures, decorate the room with flowers. Do what is necessary so that your baby can experience only positive emotions.

These simple tips for pregnant women are the first way to turn the gestation period into a really important event, filled with joyful anticipation for the birth of a new life. Do not limit yourself to the implementation of these recommendations, do not forget to consult a qualified doctor, try different courses for the expectant mother.